676 items

Astronauts visiting the NASA Kennedy Space Center
Artist's view of one of the three satellites of the SWARM constellation
Ariane 5 ES launcher during transfer to ZL-3
Ariane 5 ES launcher on ZL-3
Ariane 5 ES launcher on ZL-3
Ariane 5 ES launcher during transfer to ZL-3
ROSETTA artist view
Artist view of ESA's Eddington astroseismology observatory
SMOS artist view
Columbus Laboratory integration
Ariane 5 launch, with on board MSG-1 satellite
An artist view of the main bodies of the Solar System
Pedro Duque training
Artist view of ESA's SMART-1 lunar probe
Cupola mated to the Tranquility node
CryoSat-2 undergoing testing at the Space Test Centre at IABG
Artist view of the International Space Station
Ariane 5+, V165 performs an unusual daylight lift off
Crew photo ISS Expedition 20
Galileo : applications
ESA's wind mission ADM-Aeolus
ESA's wind mission ADM-Aeolus
Full-scale training mock-ups in the training hall
The rotunda at the Conference Centre’s entrance
Astronauts night
Ariane 5 with ATV Edoardo Amaldi transfer to launch pad
Ariane 5 with ATV Edoardo Amaldi transfer to launch pad
André Kuipers is carried in a chair to the medical tent
METOP artist view
STS-122 mission crew training
Artist's view of the Proba-V satellite
Liftoff of Ariane 5 VA213 with ATV-4
Liftoff of Ariane 5 VA213 with ATV-4
ATV Albert Einstein ready for launch
ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst
Paolo Nespoli floats inside the Harmony node
This artist’s view shows the two BepiColombo orbiters (MPO and MMO)
Part of the GMES Space Component, the Sentinel-2 satellite
Paolo Nespoli and Frank de Winne during training at GCTC in Star City
ATV-5 suspended
Artist's impression showing ATV-5 approaching the ISS
Unpacking EDRS-C at Europe's Spaceport in Kourou
Unpacking EDRS-C at Europe's Spaceport in Kourou
Andreas Mogensen greeting audience at the launch pad
Artist's view of Sentinel-3
SmallGEO AG1: solar panel is deployed for testing
SmallGEO AG1: solar panel is deployed for testing
Artist's view of the five ATV fairings
Samantha during training in the Soyuz capsule
EDRS-A testing in Toulouse, France
Liftoff of Ariane 5 carrying four Galileo satellites
Liftoff of Ariane 5 carrying four Galileo satellites
Artist's view of MetOp SG-A
e.Deorbit will be the first-ever active debris removal mission
TGO during tests
Artist's view of Sentinel-5P
ATV-3 Approaches the Station
Artist's view of the M-Argo CubeSat
ESA’s Aeolus wind mission - Measuring cyclones
ESA’s Aeolus wind mission - Measuring cyclones
ESA’s Aeolus wind mission - Measuring cyclones
Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM)
Artist's view of Sentinel-6
EDRS-C is launched
Bartolomeo connected to Columbus
Bartolomeo connected to Columbus
Bartolomeo connected to Columbus
Bartolomeo connected to Columbus
ECSAT and Harwell personnel raise the flags
ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst training at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory
ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst training at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory
AEOLUS at Airbus in Toulouse before transfer to Kourou
AEOLUS at Airbus in Toulouse before transfer to Kourou
Galileo FM-22 Ellen in final preparations before fueling
Iris - Satellite Communication for Air Traffic Management
Iris - Satellite Communication for Air Traffic Management
Fête de la Musique
Aeolus upper composite joined with Vega rocket body
Aeolus upper composite joined with Vega rocket body
Aeolus rollout
Aeolus Liftoff
Expedition 57 / Soyuz MS-09 / Horizons - Landing
CHEOPS acoustic testing at ESA's LEAF facility in ESTEC.
CHEOPS acoustic testing at ESA's LEAF facility in ESTEC.
CHEOPS electromagnetic compatibility testing at ESA's MAXWELL facility in ESTEC.
CHEOPS electromagnetic compatibility testing at ESA's MAXWELL facility in ESTEC.
CHEOPS electromagnetic compatibility testing at ESA's MAXWELL facility in ESTEC.
CHEOPS electromagnetic compatibility testing at ESA's MAXWELL facility in ESTEC.
Space Situational Awareness: Space Risk
The ESAIL mission and SAT-AIS
Cheops arrives at the launch pad
CHEOPS final integration
CHEOPS final integration
First Spacebus Neo satellite after mating
First Spacebus Neo satellite after mating
Liftoff for Cheops
EDRS-C antenna performance verification at the Airbus CATR facility in Germany