Location of Euclid Deep Fields on Gaia and Planck sky map
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This image shows examples of galaxies in different shapes, all captured by Euclid during its first observations of the Deep Field areas. As part of the data release, a detailed catalogue of more than 380 000 galaxies was published, which have been classified according to features such as spiral arms, central bars, and tidal tails that infer merging galaxies. [Image description: A collage of nine by five squares containing galaxies of many different shapes and viewed in different orientations. For example, the first column shows five edge-on galaxies, which appear thin like a pencil. The galaxies in the second column have a more fuzzy, diffuse appearance. The middle columns showcase face-on spiral galaxies with many different shapes and densities of stars. The last two columns include interacting galaxies or galaxies with an unusual spiral arm or tidal tail. ]